Helping you stay independent, active and safe
Our Services
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
We can assist with application for approval and provision of services including functional capacity assessments, life skills development, Assistive Technology (AT) prescription and home modifications.
Aged care
Wellness and reablement focussed OT services under My Aged Care home care package provider referrals.
We are also able to provide cognitive capacity evidence reports.
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
A wide variety of services including home safety assessments, falls prevention, equipment prescription and home modifications.
Private health
Direct referrals are accepted and may be claimable through your private health fund.
Centenary Occupational Therapy provides services by registered therapists experienced in working with the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Department of Veterans Affairs, My Aged Care and direct private referrals.
Services are provided by home visits or telehealth only.
Home visits are available in the Brisbane western suburbs through to CBD with greater Brisbane, Ipswich and Toowoomba regions requiring additional travel expenses.